REGIONAL GRANTUniversity Affiliation: Pannasastra University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and Asian Institute of Technology, ThailandLength of research: March 2016 “ February 2017Research objectives: This study assesses and explores migrant workers housing conditions and housing rights in Cambodia and Thailand, and the factors that determine their housing security. Specifically, it will (1) describe the housing access and condition of migrant workers, (2) analyze the different housing rights of different migrant workers, age, marital status, and (3) explore how migrants are exercising their agencies to secure housing for themselves. Significance of research: This research aims to collaborate with social scientists, academic researchers, and non-profit organization who work directly on shelter and/or urban programs to be able to provide initial and nascent evidence based information through applied research.The research is even more relevant with the SDGs expected to include housing as well as the Habitat III coming up in 2016. Both of these processes will have policy and practical impacts on how housing rights for migrant workers will be addressed in years to come. Personal bios: Dr. Pahlaj Moolio is a professor and associate dean of PUC, Mrs. San Sophany is currently a lecturer, and gender studies and international development program coordinator, and Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe is a Professor, Gender and Development Studies, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology. Habitat for Humanity ™s co-researchers will involve its program quality and evaluation specialist “ Joebel Gurang and advocacy specialist Shenard Mazengera.